
Vector Components 3D

Last modified by
Nov 18, 2024, 5:22:11 PM
Created by
Jan 10, 2022, 2:50:53 PM
` = "Vector Components 3D"`

The Vector Components (3D) calculator computes the components of a vector in three dimensions (3D).

INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:

  • (`vecF`)  Vector F

Vector Components: The calculator returns the following:

The Math / Science

To compute the angle between the vector and axes, the unit vector is computed.

`hatF` = `vecF / |vecF|`

Then compute the dot products between the unit vector `hatF` and the unit vectors for the axes (1,0,0) for x, (0,1,0) for y and (0,0,1) for z.  The arccosine of each dot product is the angle between them in radians.

  • α = acos( `hatF * 1,0,0 `)

  • φ = acos( `hatF * 0,1,0 `)

  • θ = acos( `hatF * 0,0,1 `)

3D Vector Functions

This equation, Vector Components 3D, is used in 6 pages
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